Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Lights and Less Trees

Last weekend, Jim and I bought a new chandelier for the dining area. The old one was white and plain, and didn't give off much light. So, today, Jim put the new one up. I really like it and it goes really well with the brushed nickel on all the other light fixtures. It did take one trip to the hardware store to buy a wire cutter/stripper, but he did a beautiful job and the light is so bright! I love it and I'm glad that Jim put it up for me.


Jim also had some help from a very willing assistant. It was really cute, Ian ran and got his tool box and set it up next to Daddy and started banging away.

After that, Jim decided there was a dead tree in the front yard that was just begging to be cut down. So, Jim grabbed his ax and had the tree down in about 30 minutes. Ian and I watched and played in the front yard while Daddy turned all "lumberjack."

Most of you already know what Jim got for Christmas. He had been talking about taking up golf, so my mom got him a starter set of clubs. He's been practicing out in the front yard ever since. Usually, Ian goes out and "helps" Daddy with his swing. His "help" usually consists of taking the club away from him and running around the front yard. Anyway, our church youth group had a rummage sale today, and we found the cutest pair of baby clubs for $1. So, Ian was out playing with his clubs. While he had a club in each hand, he had a tendency to use his left hand for the swing. Please enjoy the pictures!

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