Saturday, February 27, 2010


Ian had a visit with the ENT on Thursday. He has had an ear infection and fluid in both ears since December. He's been on 4 different antibiotics and we can't seem to get it under control. After our last visit with the pediatrician, she recommended we see the specialist. So, after meeting with Dr. Reidy, we decided that the best thing for Ian would be have ear tubes inserted to allow the fluid to drain. He did say we could postpone the surgery and try allergy medicine, but he was almost positive that he would have to have the tube, regardless. While Ian doesn't act like his ears bother him, I know they must be uncomfortable at the very least. And, I'm concerned that he's not speaking yet. We don't even get a consistent Mama or Dada, when kids his age normally have 2-3 words in addition to those. In speaking with the doctors and my speech therapist buddies, I know the fluid is affecting his hearing. I'm sure he's hearing everything we say as if we're underwater. I know he can hear me because he understands and responds to questions and his name, but I know it's muffled, making mimicry difficult. The consensus seems to be that, barring anything else, he should be talking relatively soon after the tubes are inserted.

So, with that being said, we're going in on Friday, March 12 for the pre-op hearing test and registration, and then on Monday, March 15th, he'll have the tubes put in. It's only about a 10 minute procedure, and the doctor does not use general anesthesia, but gas, so the recovery should only be about 90 minutes. I know it's a simple procedure, but I still feel bad that he has to go through it. He's a trooper, though, and I bet he'll do better than me!

1 comment:

  1. Kids always seem to handle those things better than their parents. He's a trooper, he'll get through just fine. Good luck next week!
