Monday, May 24, 2010

Poops Magee

So, Ian and I are home sick from school and work today. Actually, Ian's the sick one, I'm just along for the ride.

Day care has a rule that if a child has 2 diarrhea diapers, their parents are called and they have to go home. On Friday, around 4, we got that call for Ian. I went and picked him up, no big deal. It was the end of the day, so I was already done.

He'd been having issues on and off for the last week, so I thought maybe it was all the fruit he'd been eating. Over the weekend, we cut out the fruit and things started to look better. However, by 9:45 this morning, Ian had met the 2 poopy max. So, with some rearranging of schedules, I went to pick him up. I called the pediatrician, and after a phone interview, decided it wasn't necessary for Ian to come in to see her. She said it sounded like a GI virus, and the best thing we could do is keep him hydrated. She stated that if things change and he started running a fever or had blood in his diapers, we should come see her, but for now, stock him up on bananas and yogurt. She also said this could take 7-10 days to run its course.

So, here it is, 2 o'clock and we've already had 5 major blow outs. I've washed sheets, the changing pad cover and shorts. And, I'm on my last pack of baby wipes. I've finally just decided to leave him in his diaper and worry about it all later. He's finally asleep, I've completely screwed up his schedule.

The thing is, he is completely fine otherwise. No fever, no significant crabbiness/crankiness, no loss of appetite or thirst, and runs and plays as if nothing is bothering him. The problem is, day care won't let him back until he's had 12 hours of non-diarrhea diapers. At the rate we're going, I don't think that will happen. So, Jim gets to stay home with him tomorrow, if it comes down to that.

People say it could be teeth. He is getting 2 bottom teeth right now, I just saw them peeking through yesterday, but he's never had this problem with teething before. Usually, we don't even realize he's getting teeth until he smiles and there they are.

Regardless of the cause, I hope he stops soon! There's only so much crap this momma can take!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Mother's Day Present

So, for like the last 9 years, I've really wanted to get a tattoo. But, I've been scared. I've always wanted it on the top of my foot, and I had been told that that was one of the worst places to get it, because there wasn't a lot of tissue between the skin and the bones and tendons. However, I've never changed my mind about the design and the location.

For Mother's Day, Jim finally decided he'd listen to me complain about wanting a tattoo and not doing anything about it, so he took me to a place in Naples. I told them what I wanted, where I wanted it, and that I needed it done ASAP so I wouldn't chicken out. They got me in tonight.

The design is amazing. I drew out my basic sketch, and the artist, Mark, made it a work of art. He tweaked it a little bit, and I love it. The whole process took about an hour, but the actually tattooing was only about 30 minutes. Believe it or not, but I would not say the tattooing hurt. Some areas were uncomfortable, but overall, not bad at all. If I knew it would be that easy, I would have gotten it done 9 years ago!

A little background on my design. I wanted something that in 60 years, would still matter and be meaningful to me.
  • The cross-now this one is obvious...this symbolizes Christ and his ultimate sacrifice for me on the cross, forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
  • The ichthys-the symbol for early Christians; what is neat about this Greek word is that each of the letters that make up the word, stand for something if you look at the letters, it comes out to "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior." Also, in early Christianity, during the time that Christians were persecuted, when two strangers met on the road, one would draw the top part of the symbol. If the other stranger completed the picture, they knew they were in good company. If the stranger did not complete the drawing, he was considered a foe.
So there you go. I love it, and that's all that matters!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ian in the Tub

Don't worry, everything's covered!