Saturday, November 7, 2009

So tired....

I don't know if I will ever be rested. I am so exhausted! Jim's been working a lot this week, and he'll be working a lot next week, too, and there's just so much to do! My house is a disaster area, but I don't know what to do about it. I try to keep things picked up, but since I'm at home with Ian most of the time, I can't get down and clean. Jim works 50 hours a week, and his schedule constantly changes, so I can't count on having him home to help with the cleaning. If Ian is awake, he either wants to be held or is busy tearing things apart. If Ian is asleep, I can do the little stuff, but not the heavy duty stuff because I don't want to wake him up. When Ian is napping, I nap, too. Being a full time working mom is really hard!

Right now, I should be dusting my living room. Or unloading my dish washer, or folding the laundry. But, I'm sitting on the couch, updating my blog and debating whether 9:15 is too early to go to bed. I'm thinking not.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on the house cleaning! All I can say is take extreme pride in the little you do get done. (I'm really proud that I got the dishwasher filled and run!!) :-)

    I say that maybe 6pm is too early for bed, but any time after 7:00 is fair game in this house!
