Sunday, November 29, 2009

Colorado Trip

On November 11, Jim, Ian and I hopped a plane to Colorado to see Neena. Ian did pretty well on the two flights from Florida to Colorado, pretty much sleeping the entire time. We got in pretty late Wednesday night and spent some time talking with Neena before bed.

Neena had to work the next day, so I got up early to take her to work. Jim, Ian and I then went to the grocery store to buy some bread making supplies and other things. Jim tried so hard to make potato bread, but wasn't able to successfully adjust for the altitude. (However, we secretly think it was Neena's oven that was the true culprit.)

Friday, Neena took the whole day off to play with us. We went to the park for Ian's first trip. He wasn't too sure about the slides, but had a blast on the swings. It was a pretty day out, but very windy. Baby drool and wind do not work well together on poor baby cheeks. We did go out to dinner with some of my mom's friends from work. They are very nice, and I'm glad she has them.

Saturday was not very nice. It was cold, windy and sleety. However, we powered through and did some all-important shopping.

We woke up Sunday morning to about an inch of snow. Ian wasn't sure what to think of this strange white stuff, and tried to shake it off his hands when Daddy stuck them in it. We braved church and then went out for breakfast.

Monday, we just hung around the house until we had to leave for the airport. Neena took a half a day off from work, so she got to get some last minute cuddles in before we left.

I need to take this time to express my frustration with security at the airport, specifically the Colorado Springs airport. It took us 40 minutes to get through security. The same diaper bag (with the same items) that was perfectly fine leaving Ft. Myers (and Detroit, for that matter) was completely torn apart in Colorado Springs. They wanted to toss my diaper cream, my teething gel, my hand sanitizer and the baby Tylenol all because they weren't in the plastic bag, despite the fact that on the security web page, this is stated as not necessary. They even made us take Ian's bib off when we went through the metal detector. Jim was allowed to wear his hat, but a baby bib needed to come off. Also, they did not say a single thing about the baby Tylenol that was in my purse. It was just so frustrating because no airport is the same. One thing might be completely fine one place, and cause a huge deal the next place. I told the security person this, and she (rudely) stated that it's a national policy and every airport was exactly the same. I laughed and said that wasn't true. Oh well, we made it through and had no problems the rest of the way home.

Okay, off my soap box.... Overall, we had a wonderful, if not too short, time in Colorado. Thankfully, Neena will be in Florida soon for Ian's first Christmas! We can't wait!

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