Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ian's 12 month stats!

Ian's Stats

Height: 31.2 inches
(90th %ile)
Weight: 22 pounds (50th %ile)

(Weight/Height: 25%ile)

Needless to say, Ian is long and skinny! We have now upgraded to a forward facing car seat, and have switched from formula to whole milk. He loves milk! Also, we have completely skipped a sippy cup. He never could figure out how to use one, so he just skipped to a straw or a regular glass. Needless to say, both require supervision with anything other than water.

Ian does still have an ear infection. He was on an antibiotic for 10 days, and when we went back to the doctor, one ear had cleared up, but the right ear was still infected. So, we started another, stronger antibiotic. However, because of this, it has given him a nice case of diarrhea and diaper rash. It doesn't seem to bother him, but I've already changed 2 outfits today.

Ian moves up to the one year old room on Monday. I think he will love it. They get to do a lot of crafts and go outside. He's been going over there a couple of hours a day over the last week, so hopefully the transition won't be too hard.

I guess that's about it. Ian's sleeping right now, so I really should go finish up the laundry! Ugh...a wife/mother's job is never done!

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