Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Letter 2009

Merry Christmas to our family and friends!

It is hard to believe that another year has come to an end! It seems like just yesterday I was sitting at the computer, struggling to breathe, writing our letter for 2008! What a wonderful year it has been, with joyous changes for the Florida Flemings.

At 5:12 pm on January 6, 2009, Ian James Fleming made it safely into the world, weighing in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and 20.5 inches long. It has been a wonderful year of watching our little man grow, from smiling, to rolling, to sitting, to running around. Yes, I said running! Ian took is first steps at 9 months and has been going ever since! Needless to say, it is not quiet in our house anymore! During the week, Ian goes to “school” and is thriving! While we would love to keep him home, we think this is the best place for him to be. He is learning to socialize and has made many friends.

Jim continues to work for Publix. In May, we got the wonderful news that he had been promoted to Assistant Deli Manager. He is still working at a Publix in Bonita Springs, which makes day care drop-offs and lunch drop-ins easier. After figuring out the learning curve, he is growing in his management skills and hopes to move up to manager in a few years. Jim continues to be active at church, recently being nominated for Education Chair. He hopes to help grow the Sunday school and youth program into a nice group. He does have his work cut out for him!

Amanda is still working at NCH’s Bonita Outpatient Rehab Center as a physical therapist and program leader. After an amazing 12 weeks of maternity leave, she reluctantly returned to work, stepping into the busiest summer she’s ever experienced! She recently was blessed with the added responsibility of supervising the 10 customer service representatives at the various outpatient clinics. Most days, things go well, but some days she wonders about what she’s gotten herself into! Whenever she can find that elusive “spare time,” Amanda enjoys singing in the church choir and spending as much time with her two boys as possible.

Our two dogs, Jubilee and Shakespeare, have handled the new addition quite well. Jubilee enjoys mothering him, often trying to finish the bath we obviously forgot to give him. She is not too thrilled with the fact that Ian is now mobile, but has quickly learned to get out of the way of grasping fingers. Shakespeare is excited that someone will play with him and drop lots of food on the floor. He has taken up permanent residence under Ian’s high chair.

While we admit we are not the best at keeping in touch with our family and friends, please know that you are always in our hearts and prayers. We hope that this year, each and every one of you feel the warmth and love that comes from the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Merry Christmas!

The Florida Flemings

Philippians 1:3

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