Friday, January 9, 2009

Ian James

Ian James Fleming

Well, Ian James has made it safely into the world. It was quick, and painful, but so very worth it in the end. Jim and I went into the hospital Monday night to start my induction. I received my medication around 8:30 that night, and at that time was not dilated at all. Around 2:30 Tuesday morning, I started having contractions. Not bad at first, but they definately got stronger and closer together as time went on. They gave me some medication for the pain, and I was able to get about 3 hours of sleep. Around 6:30 Tuesday morning, the medication came out and I was able to walk the halls. This really helped the pain of the contractions. I started Pitocin at 7:30, and at that time was 1 cm and 80% effaced. I had another drug push and was able to get another 3 hours of sleep. By 10 o'clock, the pain was really bad. My doctor came in and tried to break my water, but it wasn't happening, so she said she would try again later. Around 10:45, my water broke on it's own. I told Jim, "I either wet myself, or my water just broke." Jim was very good with helping me breathe through the pain. They talk about having a focus point, but Jim's voice was mine. Finally, I asked for an epidural around noon. By this time, I was 3 cm dilated and Ian's head was down in my pelvis. The epidural really hurt. They had to do it twice, as the first one was not in the right spot. I jumped and probably screwed it up. After that, I didn't feel any pain, but I did feel the pressure every time I had a contraction. My doctor said I was contracting nicely and we'd keep an eye on me. At 4:30, she checked me again and I was still only 3 cm dilated. She decided at this time, I should go in for a c-section, because she thought he was too big for me to deliver. So, off I go for my c-section. I was scared, and did cry a little, but it was so worth it to see my little guy in the end. Apparently, everything went text book.

Ian was born at 5:12 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs, 7 ozs and was 20.5 inches long. He was much smaller than we all expected, but my doctor told me that sometime in the past week, he had flipped over and was facing up instead of down, and that his head was going back instead of tucked down and that he wouldn't have been able to be delivered vaginally anyways. So, it was a good thing I went ahead and had the c-section instead of laboring for so long and then having to have a c-section anyway. We all got back to my room and got down to being a family.

Overall, the c-section hasn't been too bad. I have pain, but I have to keep reminding myself that I had major abdominal surgery. I definately feel it when I've been lying or sitting for too long, It takes me several steps before I can stand up straight and I can't jump out of bed to care of Ian as quickly as I would like. Our hospital stay was okay, some nurses were really good, others were not good at all, but I'm really glad to be home. It would seem that we'd just get Ian quieted down and someone would barge into our room, turning on lights and wake him up and make him mad all over again. We've been home about 8 hours and we haven't had the huge crying/wailing/bloody murder that we did last night. We'll see how tonight goes.

Ian really enjoys being swaddled and loves his pacifer. He also loves being held on Mommy's or Daddy's chest. Breast feeding is getting better each day. And, it's nice to not have a nurse standing over my shoulder telling me I should be supplementing with formula because my milk hasn't come in yet. Ian does have a bit of jaundice, but the pediatrician isn't concerned about it, telling us just to set him in indirect sunlight to help. Both of us have follow up appointments with our doctors on Monday. I think that will be Jim's last day off, which is good, since I'm not supposed to drive while I'm taking the Percocet.

1 comment:

  1. I realize this is like 11 months late but CONGRATS on that sweet little boy! How fun! I had to have my epidural put in twice also (with BOTH kids)...they told me my back was out of whack...well, what do you expect! Congrats again! 1st birthday party coming up soon! Yay! Thanks for the kind words and for visiting my blog!
